Sunday, April 24, 2016

Daily Reflection: Saturday

Today, we didn't do much because it was the sabbath. So we went to church in the morning then ate lunch. After that we went to the zoo but there were hardly any animals so after that we came back to the dorms and chilled for a while. I was kinda disappointed that we didn't see more at the zoo but more on that later. 

The church's historical background is something that I'm not entirely sure of. Meaning I don't know it's background. All I know is that it's on this campus and it's at least 30 years old I assume. The National Zoo is a place where all sorts of animals from all different regions of the earth are shown and exhibited. However, we wouldn't know because we didn't see any of them. 

What I liked most about today would have to be the very little we saw of the zoo. Sure it was kind of a letdown, but what we did see was actually pretty cool. I just wish that we saw more of it. We only managed to see some sloths, a few cats, an elephant and something else that I can't remember. But it made a certain someone really happy so that's all that matters to me.

What I disliked the most about today was probably the sabbath school. Now I know you're probably calling me a satanist right now but you've gotta understand, it was super cringy. These youth pastors nowadays try way too hard to be hip and with it that they just come off as cringy. No offense to them, because I know they're just trying to spread the good word but please find another way to do it. I'd honestly like it if they just used some old style preaching but what do I know?

What I learned today was the importance of allowing church to be a house of worship rather than a house of entertainment as the pastor said. His points about people making church too much about the people and not about God were good points. I've seen it before in other places as well. It should be done in all churches around the world. To make them a house of worship, not entertainment 

How can today relate to my life? Well the zoo represents nature, and nature is all around us. Always. It does everything, makes everything, makes up everything. We come in contact with it every day without realizing that it's even there.

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